

a new staff member

Margit Lehner-Senn MSc. joined our team on July 14th, 2021 as a project manager and CRA.


A new staff member

Laura Sparlinek, MSc. joined our team on July 01th, 2021 as a quality manager.


a new staff member

Dipl.-Biol. Dr. Jenny Mader joined our team on July 01th, 2021 as a project manager and CRA.


a new staff member

Inessa Kalantarow, MSc. joined our team on April 15th, 2021 as a project manager and CRA.


A new staff member

Ivana Mayerhofer joined our team on April 05th, 2021 as a Office Manager and Payroll Accounter.


A new staff member

Sandor Azari, MSc. BSc. joined our team on March 15th, 2021 as a project manager and CRA.


A new staff member

Sandra Mayr, MSc. joined our team on January 18th, 2021 as a data manager.


A new staff member

DI Gertraud Schütz, MAS joined our team on January 04th, 2021 as a data manager.


Book release "Clinical Evaluation and Investigation of Medical Devices under the new EU-Regulation"

After months of work it is finally done!

This book provides in-depth and practice-oriented guidance on the systematic identification and generation of clinical data through clinical investigations and other relevant sources. It addresses the needs of all stakeholders, be it manufacturers, notified bodies or competent authorities, when they have to plan, perform or assess clinical evaluations and investigations for medical devices on the way to conformity assessment and CE marking.

One of the authors is Brigitte Raffeiner, PMSc., who has many years of experience in the handling of clinical studies.

The book can be ordered now at:


Publication "Monitoring clinical studies in the age of digitalization" by Brigitte Raffeiner

Several pages of the 06/20 magazine of PHARMIND revolve around the topic "Monitoring of clinical studies in the era of digitalization". They could count on the broad knowledge of Brigitte Raffeiner. You can find an excerpt of the article at:
